Policies & Procedures
Woofability Memberships
If you’re interested in having your dog continue to use the services that Woofability offers, you will need to ensure you have purchased an active Woofability membership.
Please contact us if you would like more information on our memberships.
Please remember that when your dog frequents our daycare or boarding areas, he/she will be spending time with other pets. These play areas will be supervised, however, much like a dog park, acts of aggression can happen very quickly and without warning. All dogs must be non-aggressive, and non-food or toy protective with people.
Owners will have to certify that their dog has not harmed, shown aggression or threatening behaviour towards any person or another dog. The safety and health of the pack is our main concern.
Owners understand that supervised off-leash socialization and interaction between our guests is encouraged. Owners also acknowledge that dogs can be unpredictable in behaviour, and are aware of the risks involved in such play, and assume all risks.
If your dog does have an incident that we deem unacceptable, we reserve the right to remove your dog to its own separate area for safety reasons until your arrival. Owners are responsible and liable should your pet cause injuries or damages to other animals. Woofability has the right to refuse any further stays for your dog.
If your dog is not house trained and frequently toilets inside, there will be an additional $10 charge per day.
If your dog is of a nervous disposition, never been away from home before or has separation anxiety we are more than happy to try and help your dog get over this, however we do ask that there is more than adequate time before you go away, in order for us to be able to work with yourselves and your dog(s) to try and help get your dog become accustomed to the new environment.
Should your dog continuously act in a disruptive manner whilst in our care, whether during daycare or boarding then we will ask you or your emergency contact to come and collect your dog and we will discuss whether this establishment is the best suited to your dog.
Examples of continuous disruptive behaviour are as follows:
Barking for no reason
Dominant behaviour
Marking (when in the house)
Resource Guarding
Destructive behaviour
Please bear in mind, many dogs behave differently when away from home and some of the behaviour displayed with us you may not actually experience at home.
Dirty Dogs
For dogs that are staying longer than fourteen (14) days, should they start to acquire an odor, they will be bathed, dried, and brushed out for a fee of $30.00. Please note that we are not professional groomers, and will not be clipping fur or nails while they are in our care.
We will do our very best to clean up dirty pets before they are picked up by their owners. However, owners should understand that our primary role is to supervise their pets, and time is not available to provide a thorough bath before sending pets home.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Boarding/Daycare: Drop-off times are between 7am and 9.00am and Pick-up times are between 4:00pm and 6pm Monday - Friday on Saturday & Sunday Drop off times are between 8.00am - 10.00am and Pick up times are between 4.00pm - 6pm.
Owners must provide written authorization to allow anyone else to pick up their dog, and people who are authorized by you will be required to present valid picture identification to ensure the safety of your dog. Drop-off & pick-up of your pet must occur during our hours posted above - NO early drop-offs or late pick-ups are allowed.
A late fee charge of $15 will be applied if daycare dogs are picked up over 15 minutes later than scheduled pick up time.
Daycare dogs not picked up by closing time will be boarded overnight, and overnight fees will apply. These policies are in place to minimize distractions to the dogs and staff. If you need to drop-off or pick-up at different times, an additional fee may be applied.
When an agreed time to drop off/pick up your dog has been made, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you keep to this time, we have scheduled activities throughout the day for the dogs in our care, and the time frames mentioned above are outside of these activities, sticking to the agreed time frames prevents disruption and stress for the dogs.
New Covid-19 procedure click here.
Emergencies & Veterinary Care
If your dog requires immediate veterinary care, we will transport your dog to either WAVES Veterinary Emergency Specialty Hospital or your preferred vet (if it’s not a life-threatening situation), based on your direction on your registration form. We will notify you of the situation as quickly as possible.
If your veterinary clinic of choice in unavailable, we will take your dog to WAVES Veterinary Emergency Specialty Hospital. Please note that as the owner, you will be responsible for any and all medical and veterinary fees incurred for your dog's treatment.
Bring your dog's regular food to avoid causing possible digestive issues (diarrhea, etc.). We ask that your dog's food be labeled with your dog's name and any special feeding instructions (feeding time, adding water, elevating food, etc.).
Please ensure that you bring additional food in case your pick-up date is extended for unforeseen circumstances. If you forget to bring your dog's food or you don't bring enough for their stay, we will gladly provide our premium house food for $6.00 per day (please note that changing your dog's regular food will most likely result in diarrhea).
Also, we may provide our guests with small treats throughout the day - please let us know if you do not want your dog to have any treats or if they have food-related sensitivities/allergies.
We are happy to give oral or topical medication to your dog, but require the following: all medications must be in their original container and must include your dog's name, the name and strength of the medication, and directions including dosage, number of times per day, how it is to be given, illness to be treated, areas to be treated, etc.
Please keep mind that although Woofability staff will do their best to care for your pet, we are not trained veterinarian technicians and assume no responsibility of incorrect dosage, adverse reactions, complications, or conditions caused to your pet by the medication or by the process of taking the medication.
All dogs must be clean and in good health, and must not have fleas. We require that your dog receive some form of monthly flea treatment plan - please consult your veterinarian for more information about flea treatment options.
Owners will certify that their dogs are in good health and have not been ill with a communicable condition in the last thirty (30) days. Dogs that have been ill with a communicable condition in the last thirty (30) days will require a veterinary certificate of health to be admitted.
If your dog is not feeling well (vomiting, diarrhea, coughing or sneezing), please do not bring them to the facility, as other guests may become ill as well. Any dog showing signs of illness will be removed from socialization and will not be able to interact with the other dogs until this problem has been resolved.
If we are unfortunately unable to isolate your dog then your emergency contact that you will have provided to us, will be called to come and collect your dog. Dogs with excessive diarrhea may be required to have a negative fecal and/or Giardia test before being re-admitted.
Name Tags & Collars
All dogs must be wearing a quick-release cloth collar with a name tag and must be on a leash upon entry. No metal, pinch, choke, beaded or studded collars will be allowed.
Reservations & Cancellations
We will accept reservations several months in advance. Book at your earliest convenience to ensure that we have space to accommodate the dates you require. We require payment for your dogs stay with us either before they come or on the day of arrival.
We will send you an invoice detailing your dogs stay as soon as a trial night or day has taken place and confirmation of dates/drop off and pick up times has been established. Should your plans change and your need to have your dog stay at our facility change, contact us as soon as possible to make the necessary changes to your booked times.
If you need to cancel your booking entirely, you must do so at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to your reservation. If we are notified shorter than forty-eight hours (48) hours then a cancellation fee totalling half of the original cost will be charged. Please note that special circumstances may result in this being waived on a case-by-case basis.
All dogs over eight (8) months of age must be neutered or spayed. We will not accept females in heat, and may refuse intact males that demonstrate inappropriate behaviours. Should your female come into season during their time at Woofability, there will be a double charge for the remainder of their stay to cover the additional work needed to care for her.
Intact males/females may also be denied boarding if we already have an intact female/male boarding with us during the same timeline as the stay you are requesting. This is for the safety and well-being of your dog, and the other dogs boarding at Woofability.
All canine guests must have up-to-date vaccinations in order to be a member of our pack. Owners must submit written proof of current DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Para-influenza and Parvovirus), and Rabies. We do accept titre tests provided that they are documented by your veterinarian and are updated annually. You can either bring us a copy of your dog's vaccination records, or simply have your veterinarian email copies of their records to us at info@woofability.ca.
Puppies must be a minimum of sixteen (16) weeks of age in order to be admitted. Puppies under six (6) months of age are required to have their second set of DHPP, and are required to have their Rabies vaccination. It is the ongoing responsibility of the owner to provide verification that vaccinations are current - we will make every effort to remind you before your dog's vaccinations expire.
As we are a small boarding facility, we do require that your dog be dewormed or vaccinated for Bordetella (kennel cough). If your dog has not been vaccinated against Bordetella (kennel cough) then you will be required to sign a waiver form.
Please note, that we strongly recommend that owners do get these treatments done for their dog. Should your dog become ill while in our care, we will not be responsible for their medical costs. If your dog shows signs of Kennel Cough then they will have to be picked up by your emergency contact, or become quarantined with our home.
Please note that there are many different strains of kennel cough, vaccinating against it does help reduce the chances of infection but doesn't guarantee full immunity because of the different strains and their evolutionary cycle.
Woofability does all it can to help aid in the fight against viruses, by regular sanitization of all dog areas and surfaces that they come into contact with, by signing the Pet Care Agreement you agree that you acknowledge that Woofability does everything possible to illuminate any chance of Kennel Cough, they are not held responsible should you dog develop signs of Kennel Cough during or after your dogs stay.
Woofability is open for daycare and boarding in all but the most extreme weather conditions. “Extreme” shall be defined as a wind, rain, snow or ice event resulting in extremely hazardous road conditions, usually with closures to provincial offices as well as schools.
In the event that we close due to an extreme weather event, or if most of the dogs scheduled for that day have canceled due to a weather event, Woofability will post on their Facebook page as well as their web page.
We will also attempt to contact clients by email and phone if they are scheduled for daycare. Please check emails and/or our website before bringing your dog. Boarding dogs will not be affected by daycare being canceled during a weather event.
What To Bring
For boarding, please bring all food, treats, medication, bedding that can be laundered in a washer and dryer and anything else that you would like your dog to have when staying with us.
Anything with familiar smells such as shirts, blankets, etc. will help your dog settle in comfortably. Please do not bring food or water dishes as we supply them, unless your dog has a specific medical issue that requires an individual dish that we may not have on hand (i.e. a raised food dish).
PLEASE NOTE: Our Policies, Procedures, Services and Rates may change from time to time. While we will attempt to notify you of these changes, it is ultimately your responsibility to check back on our website regularly so that you are aware of our most current Policies, Procedures, Services and Rates. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at our sole discretion.